COVID19 update October 6th 2020
Dan Grauman • October 6, 2020
Updated Company Policies as of October 6th 2020
As we continue through Covid and in an effort to add more layers of safety to the Company without
excluding anyone we are making the following changes effective immediately.
- The front door entrance to the building will be locked 24 hours a day and only employees with access cards will be able to gain entry
- The door to the Shop/Training Room hallway will also be locked 24 hours. These are both being done to eliminate public access to our facility
- Masks will be required in the shop, wash bay, and all warehouses by all non-shop personnel. This includes drivers, contractors, and suppliers. Office employees are exempt from this, just as shop employees are exempt from wearing masks in the Corporate office.
- Masks are also required by all drivers and visitors in the Corporate office and are recommended in the drivers room
- When in the shop, please observe the yellow lines and maintain 6 social distancing at all times
- When in the drivers room, please maintain social distancing and do not overcrowd that room please.
These guidelines are consistent with the recommendations of MB Health and will constantly be reviewed and updated as required.
Please contact me if you have any